When I was a teenager, I was seriously disgusting in my housekeeping habits. My bedroom, my only private sanctuary in a house of 4 teenagers, was ABSOLUTELY nasty! I can remember leaving dishes for daaaayyys and clothes that weren’t even dirty to be left on the floor for the dog to sleep on, and I had so much crap on my bed I would sleep in like, a tiny sliver of the bed!
My mom cleaned houses for a living, and although she thought I was really gross, had to pick her battles and my room wasn’t one of them and so continued throughout my teenage years to grow all sorts of awesome experiments up in there. As soon as I moved out of my mom’s house, things changed. Not only did I have to pay rent, but My BEST friend/roommate was like, “Erika, you’re disgusting. Nobody lives like this, seriously!” And so peer pressure taught me how to pick up after myself, and I was really disappointed that I never did get peer pressured into anything fun.
Anyway, with each passing age I began to notice more and more the correlation between my mental/emotional state and the state of my house. I noticed that I always sleep more peacefully when my sheets are clean. My day would go smoother when I’d make my morning coffee in a clean kitchen. I’d always feel more attractive when I showered in a clean bathroom. My family would spend more time in the living room when it invited them to sit down instead of reminding them of their busy lives. I enjoyed cooking a lot more when my fridge and cupboards were organized and everything was easy to find. My dog would act happier when the house was clean. I don’t know how I could tell… but Reba from Texas still loves a clean house!
Anyway friends, these are some of my best reasons to hire a housecleaner! What are yours? What do you love that your housekeeper does? What do you wish your housekeeper would do?